Feature is Female

The Feature is Female: Kendel Locke

"Just go for it. Be ready to work hard, put in a lot of time and energy, but just go...

The Feature is Female: Holly Cain

 "Be flexible in every situation. You never know when you walk through the door how your day will unfold, so...

The Feature is Female: Samantha Barnes

“Females can do it, too.” - Samantha Barnes What was your childhood dream? Did you dream of becoming a doctor...

The Feature is Female: Brenda Fleer

“I really wanted to show my daughter what a woman could do. It was really important for me to show...

The Feature is Female: Jenna Crabtree

“Be the leader you need.” - Jenna Crabtree Never underestimate the power of fate. Our lives have a funny way...

The Feature is Female: Jamie O’Neal & Emma Cookson

“I love being able to do this with my daughter.” - Jamie O'Neal Ah. Mothers and daughters. A truly dynamic...